june mystery picture
I decided to post a mystery picture (each month?). The reader who can tell me what the picture is of will receive a hand drawn postcard (don't expect anything good . . .). Be sure to include your address if you think you know what it is. This month's picture is of a famous attraction in Bangkok. We visited it on Sabbath.
hmm, it looks alot like the hair of the reclining buddha...
I thought it was Buddha's Hair too, even before I read Marieke's post. Honest, no really
An aerial view of a Thai beehive village.
I take that back. I think it looks like Buddha's head, too. I want to receive a hand drawn postcard. Please. PO Box 1080, Collegedale, TN 37315. Thanks
Yea, my guess was going to be the top of the reclining buddha, I'm a little late though, but I would love to receive a hand drawn postcard 23869 Placid Ln
Colton Ca 92324
Wat Pho ...(Temple of the Reclining Buddha)
Kudos to Marieke.
Lame, Albs. I just logged on for the first time in weeks, got excited about my sleuthing abilities and then noticed that there were 6 comments ahead of me. Lame. But I want a hand-drawn postcard, too. So I need you to accomodate my desires. Send it up to camp!
17415 E. Hayden Lake Rd.
Hayden Lake, ID 83835
By the way, la historia del masaje occurrió allí en Wat Pho.
Hokay. We talk.
Chau chau.
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